James Bond is one of the longest-running film series in history. Since fans have been waiting since 2015 for another installment, the new film, No Time to Die, is making headlines. Cybercriminals have wasted no time and are using the film’s release as phish bait in a new scam.
The scam starts with an ad or pop-up window that claims you can stream No Time to Die for free. If you click on the ad, you are taken to a malicious website that plays the first few minutes of the film. Then, the stream is interrupted and you are asked to create an account to continue watching. Of course, creating an account includes providing personal information and a payment method. Unfortunately, if you complete this process the cybercriminals can charge your debit or credit card for as much money as they’d like. Plus, you won’t actually get to watch the film.
Here are some tips to avoid scams like this:
Content provided by KnowBe4